Saturday, September 6, 2008


I always knew I was short tempered. I knew only too well that the slightest provocation could put me off in a really bad way. But I did not quite understand the gravity of one’s inability to hold your head when everyone all around you is losing theirs. And realize I did, today.
I guess it was the pressure of having to leave in two weeks’ time. Or maybe it was the fact that I was going to be away for a whole year. Whatever the reason, I successfully broke my own record of snapping at five people in less than three hours. It is not very pleasant to think and reason out why you did get mad in the first place. But after much contemplation, I decided that it was a combination of multiple factors + plain old me that wrecked havoc.
It hurts terribly when you scream and argue for nothing with someone you love. Things would have been so much better had I only remained calm and tried to put myself in the other’s shoes. But that is not something that comes easy. When someone yells at you, all you can think of in five seconds flat is how do I get even? And even before you realize it, you end up screaming your head off. Sounds familiar??? That is the case with most of us. The best way to keep from snapping is not to argue / counter-argue. Now, I really wonder if that is possible. Worth trying, anyway!!!